Children’s Program

401 Bloomfield Drive West Berlin, NJ 08091
September 3, 2024 – May 31, 2025
Ages 3-7 years
No experience required

School of Philadelphia Ballet’s Children’s Program aims to introduce the students to dance and ballet through movement, music, games, props, and fun. Dancers learn in an organized group setting while exploring the use of their imagination. Each lesson is a positive experience aimed to instill a sense of self-confidence and self-worth. Students will progress through essential components throughout the year including gross motor skills, spatial awareness, musicality, and body awareness. Students enrolled in the Children’s Program participate in a special Children’s Program Performance at the end of the term.


Ages 3-4
No experience required

Monthly Tuition Installment: $70.00 for One (1) Lesson/Week
Registration Fee: $80.00 | $50.00 for each additional student

The introduction to ballet-based movement begins at this tender age. We want a child’s first experience with dance to be a positive one. Students work on gross motor skills using various types of music, props, and their imagination.

Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 9:45 AM


Ages 4-5
No experience required

Monthly Tuition Installment: $70.00 for One (1) Lesson/Week
Registration Fee: $80.00 | $50.00 for each additional student

Continued work on gross motor skills with a greater focus on creative thinking is the core of this level. Students will explore working with others as well as spatial awareness.

Tuesdays: 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturdays: 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM


Ages 5-6
No experience required

Monthly Tuition Installment: $90.00 for One (1) Lesson/Week
Registration Fee: $80.00 | $50.00 for each additional student

Primary classes are an exciting introduction to Ballet technique. Students will begin work on fine motor skills and ballet vocabulary. Continued use of the imagination along with balance, body alignment, and spatial awareness are a focus.

Saturdays: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Ages 6-7
Two (2) Classes/Week

No experience required

Monthly Tuition Installment: $155.00 for Two (2) Lessons/Week
Registration Fee: $80.00 | $50.00 for each additional student

This level is a bridge to our Student Program levels. Strength, vocabulary, and classroom etiquette are stressed, as well as flexibility and body alignment.

Wednesdays: 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Saturdays: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

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Meet the Ballet

Philadelphia Ballet comprises a team of dedicated professionals—each one devoted to bringing you the most thrilling and inspired works ballet has to offer.

The School

School of Philadelphia Ballet offers the highest caliber dance education of any program in the Greater Philadelphia area, providing our students with exceptional technical training and unparalleled performance opportunities.