Hosted by Board Chairman David F. Hoffman and Mary MacElree

Join us as we return to Board Chairman David F. Hoffman’s beautiful property in Villanova for our 6th Annual Spring Festival at Red Rose Farm, featuring outdoor performances by Philadelphia Ballet and School of Philadelphia Ballet.

The event will be hosted over two evenings, consisting of a Benefit Event on Thursday, May 29 featuring a cocktail reception, the presentation of the Anthony Haller Volunteer of the Year Award, and performances featuring Philadelphia Ballet and School of Philadelphia Ballet, followed by a dinner with the artists in the poolside garden. All funds raised from the Festival support the Ballet’s work on stage and in the community.

On Saturday, May 31, at the Picnic Event, guests are encouraged to bring friends, their own picnic, favorite wine, and a blanket to enjoy an evening of outdoor performances on the lawn.

Performance Program

The 2025 Red Rose Farm performance will feature new works commissioned by The Ruth and A. Morris Williams, Jr. Artistic Director Angel Corella from three Philadelphia Ballet artists:  The Janis and Stephen Goodman Rehearsal Director Charles Askegard, The Janet and Jim Averill Principal Dancer Zecheng Liang, and The Cynthia Bolt and Edmond Karam Demi Soloist Russell Ducker.

The program will also feature a special performance by School of Philadelphia Ballet.

Artists of Philadelphia Ballet
Artists of Philadelphia Ballet
photo by Limelight and Tailor
Artists of Philadelphia Ballet
Artists of Philadelphia Ballet
photo by Chris Jones
Students of the School of Philadelphia Ballet
Students of School of Philadelphia Ballet
photo by Chris Jones
Picnic at Red Rose Farm
Picnic at Red Rose Farm
photo by Limelight and Tailor


2025  Anthony Haller Volunteer of the Year Award


At the performance on Thursday, May 29, we will honor Dr. Carolyn C. Newsom with the fourth annual Anthony Haller Volunteer of the Year Award in recognition of her extraordinary contributions to Philadelphia Ballet as a Trustee, volunteer, and leadership supporter.

Photo by Helm Creative Studio

Dr. Carolyn Newsom is a lifelong lover of ballet and a devoted friend and advocate of Philadelphia Ballet. She studied ballet for 10 years and modern dance in college. As a subscriber to American Ballet Theatre, she was a fan of Angel Corella and watched his career evolve in New York. When he retired from dancing and became Artistic Director of Philadelphia Ballet in 2014, she followed Angel’s artistic journey in Philadelphia, and has enjoyed watching him lead the Company to ever greater excellence year after year.

In 2019, Dr. Newsom joined the Board of Trustees at the invitation of Executive Director Shelly Power. She has given generously of her time and talents through service on the Strategic Planning, Nominating and Governance, Community Education and Public Programs, and 60th Anniversary Committees. Her expert guidance was invaluable in helping the Company shape its most recent strategic plan, ensuring a robust future for Philadelphia Ballet.

She is committed to sustaining the artistic excellence and success of the Company, sponsoring not only Shelly Power as The Dr. Carolyn Newsom Executive Director but also Pau Pujol as The Dr. Carolyn Newsom First Soloist.

Dr. Newsom holds an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Brown University; an MBA and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in Applied Economics, Organization and Strategy; and a JD from the Delaware Law School. She has had careers in systems engineering, management consulting, and estate planning law. Dr. Newsom resides in Bucks County and is an active volunteer with a variety of organizations. Her service to Philadelphia Ballet is the joy and capstone of an interesting and fulfilling life.


Individual and Corporate Spring Festival Sponsorship Packages


Red Rose Sponsor – $25,000
Spring Festival Experience for 16 people at the May 29 Benefit Event + May 31 Picnic Event

Package includes:

  • Reception and reserved VIP seating for a party of 16 at the May 29 Benefit Event performance and dinner
  • Admission to the May 31 Picnic Event for a party of 16
  • Valet parking for both events
  • Premier name/logo recognition on print and digital event materials

Garden Rose Sponsor – $15,000
Spring Festival Experience for 8 people at the May 29 Benefit Event + May 31 Picnic Event

Package includes:

  • Reception and reserved VIP seating for 8 at the May 29 Benefit Event performance and dinner
  • Admission to the May 31 Picnic Event for a party of 8
  • Valet parking for both events
  • Prominent name/logo recognition on print and digital event materials

Tea Rose Sponsor – $10,000
Spring Festival Experience for 6 people at the May 29 Benefit Event + May 31 Picnic Event

Package includes:

  • Reception and reserved seating for 6 at the May 29 Benefit Event performance and dinner
  • Admission to the May 31 Picnic Event for a party of 6
  • Valet parking for both events
  • Prominent name/logo recognition on print and digital event materials

Arbor Rose Sponsor – $5,000
Spring Festival Experience for 4 people at the May 29 Benefit Event + May 31 Picnic Event

Package includes:

  • Reception and reserved seating for 4 at the May 29 Benefit Event performance and dinner
  • Admission to the May 31 Picnic Event for a party of 4
  • Valet parking for both events
  • Name/ logo recognition on print and digital event materials

Purchase a Sponsorship Package

Event Tickets

Benefit Event

Thursday, May 29 | Rain Date May 30
5:00 PM Cocktail Reception | 6:30 PM Performance

Table – $8,000
Includes valet parking, reception, and reserved seating for 8 at the performance and dinner

Couple – $2,500
Includes valet parking, reception, and reserved seating for 2 at the performance and dinner

Individual – $1,250
Includes valet parking, reception, and reserved seating for 1 at the performance and dinner

Young Friends + PAB Alumni – $300
Includes valet parking, reception, and reserved seating for 1 at the performance and dinner

Sponsor a Philadelphia Ballet Artist – $300
Allow an artist of Philadelphia Ballet and their guest to join in the fun!


Picnic Event

Saturday, May 31 | Rain Date June 1  

Bring your friends, a picnic, and your favorite wine! Relax on the lawn and enjoy performances by Philadelphia Ballet dancers and students of School of Philadelphia Ballet. 

5:30 PM Doors Open | Performance at 6:30 PM
$300 – Per Party of 4| $75 Each additional guest



For more information about sponsorship or tickets, please contact [email protected].


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Philadelphia Ballet comprises a team of dedicated professionals—each one devoted to bringing you the most thrilling and inspired works ballet has to offer.

The School

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