Dear SPB SI Families,

As you are already aware, as a result of COVID-19 School of Philadelphia Ballet will now be providing online Summer Programming. As the programming has been altered, please complete the form below to indicate your new selections for SPB Summer Programming registration:

  • Transfer my student’s registration to the following virtual program (Please select the programming below based on your student’s appropriate level. If you would prefer to customize your weeks please contact us.):

  • When we receive your Summer Programming selection we will contact you to communicate remaining tuition payment options or to confirm refunds of monies overpaid.
  • In order to process your request efficiently, please complete the fields below:

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Meet the Ballet

Philadelphia Ballet comprises a team of dedicated professionals—each one devoted to bringing you the most thrilling and inspired works ballet has to offer.

The School

School of Philadelphia Ballet offers the highest caliber dance education of any program in the Greater Philadelphia area, providing our students with exceptional technical training and unparalleled performance opportunities.